Episode 44: It’s Time to Unite, Not Fight

Episode 44: It’s Time to Unite, Not Fight
Collective Perspective Podcast
Episode 44: It’s Time to Unite, Not Fight

Sep 25 2024 | 00:37:10

Episode 44 September 25, 2024 00:37:10

Hosted By

Travis Eadens Jeff Aldrich DJ Malone (Season 1)

Show Notes

In part two of our special episode, the *Collective Perspective* team shifts gears from dissecting candidates to tackling a bigger question: Can we, as a nation, find common ground in the 2024 election? With political divisions sharper than ever, we explore what unites us as voters, beyond party lines and campaign promises.

Through honest conversations, we challenge the narrative that every election has to be a battle. Instead, we ask: What would happen if we focused on shared values and real solutions? Listen in as we explore a path toward unity amidst the noise.

Diverse Perspectives on Leadership and Accountability in Modern Politics
This episode tackles various viewpoints on leadership, focusing intensely on Donald Trump’s tenure and character, and debate the moral and ethical standards expected of leaders, the influence of corporations on politics, and the power dynamics in the political landscape. The conversation also covers Trump's business practices, his handling of classified materials, and the events surrounding January 6th. This episode is part 2 of 2. 
00:00 Introduction to the New Season
00:33 Controversial Leadership and Public Perception
02:22 Ethics and Accountability in Leadership
05:37 Business Practices and Political Implications
10:47 Spiritual Perspectives on Politics
17:55 Questioning Campaign Fundraising Tactics
18:09 The Trump Bible Controversy
21:54 Debating Trump's Leadership and Team
22:37 Election Spending and Corporate Influence
29:18 The Impact of January 6th
31:14 The Importance of Voting and Term Limits
34:27 Closing Thoughts and Appreciations
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Episode Transcript

Welcome to a new season of the collective perspective podcast. As we dive into this season, we're focusing on the pivotal upcoming election widely considered as one of the most important of our lifetime. Join us on this journey as we navigate through diverse perspectives, dissect key issues and explore the profound impact on our shared future. Get ready for insightful discussions and thought provoking insights. Welcome to the collective perspective podcast. Season three. I would ask you as a collective group of people that feel that he's a womanizer. He's been accused. He's gone to court for hush funds. He who has the first stone, he, he, he has you, he, without sin cast the first stone. So you're saying they're just slinging mud. I mean, who's perfect. I mean, but who's perfect. His business is on the front line because. of his lifestyle that we all know was very public in the past anyway. So some people have trouble with him making fun of disabled people. That's awful. What's that? Uh, I mean, I'm gonna wait till my turn. No, no, you're good. You're more than welcome to. I said that's awful. Like, who does that? That's just, that's not a person that's in leadership. If you want to make fun of folks that are disabled, then you cannot, you cannot represent the United States of America because we're all different. That's just, I don't want to take, I don't want to take my turn because I got something good I want to say bye bye. I don't know that one. What happened? Uh, there's, there's like YouTube and watch some memes or something. Come on, catch up. Uh, you know, that place will take you down the rabbit hole fast. Well, sometimes you just gotta like get out there so you can be annoying. Yes, he does. See, if you really knew the stuff he did, maybe you wouldn't, you wouldn't be like, You would understand why people do you know what an algorithm is? I don't. Algorithm is, yes, when you look at something and then the more you look at it, the more stuff populates. But to me, it's like, this is just real facts. This is real life things what people do. And that's why they want to take him out. Because he doesn't Fit the status quo as a politician. They can't trust him to follow protocol with what keeps them safe with the agendas that they have that part. Okay. So I believe, you know, what go, what goes around comes around. I think all of them are taking the money and people it's like you say, karma. Okay. You cannot do bad things to people and things not come back to you. You just, that's just life in my world, my perspective, if you are a horrible human being, things are going to happen to you, whether you got the CIA, the FBI, your own personal handgun next to you, things is going to happen. So to me, when you are, of horrible person, those kind of things happen to you. Like, he didn't die, somebody else died. And, how did he treat the person that died? Wait, what are you referring to? The person that got killed by the that was there at the place that he was trying to Oh, the assassination. He went to the funeral, didn't he? I don't know what he did, but to me, it wasn't nice enough. My perspective of it, it was, he, it wasn't sincere. So what you went to the funeral, there's other certain things that you could do. And I don't even know if he went to the funeral. I don't either. I'm okay. So then don't ask me something. Okay. But don't, but so for me, don't ask me those kinds of questions unless, you know, and that's the reason why he's awful. I think that we, as a people are over it. Yeah. He's awful. You cannot, like to me, you cannot. Right. We need transparency. You cannot do that kind of stuff. We need accountability and not bad things happen to you. We need, I was rooted for him. 'cause you know what, like for me, I looked at him as like a disciple, right? One of Jesus' disciple, you know, Peter was, Jesus' was the gang of it, right? And when he come to get Jesus the man cut. The guard cut his ear off. Right? And he picked up his ear and he, and he put it back on and healed him. So to me, he could still, he didn't get it. You can still be a leader and a disciple. He missed that part. He didn't die. He still got his ear on his, on his face. And you still don't know how to be kind. You, you don't, you, kindness costs nothing to be nice. You know, he didn't make it by the way. You know what quality I liked it? Quality reflects is that he'll give you the truth and give you the right to make the decision. That's looking at the glass with half full because the I'd be trying to find something nice to say to people that like him because I really don't. So to me, that gives me another perspective. And so thank you for sharing that, like, at least he's truthful enough to tell you what he is so you can make the decision to be with him or not. And so you're a big proponent of the black community. Yeah, cuz I'm black Call a spade a spade I guess I mean, yeah, I'm the big okay. So Donald Trump. No, I'm just telling you Boy, who told you that? Hot mess. Who keeps saying that? Uh, your friends on social media. That ain't, that ain't none of my friends on social media saying that. You know what, be good to, be good to people, period. I've, uh, I've seen it in many different media outlets. None of my black friends are saying that he been good to black people. You know what, be good to people, period. Why you gotta be good to black people? Just be good to people, period. How was he good for your business? That's all I asked. Oh, when, when Trump was in office, very prosperous time, I made more money and had more tax breaks than you can imagine. Those are some of the beautiful incentives that I'm like, okay, what does she have to bring to the table? Because it was a very prosperous time for small businesses when Donald J. Trump was in office. And Jamie, uh, you want to weigh in? I have a problem with the whole thing. Trying to take it down. I think he does a fine job on his own. Well, you got to define who they are. Yeah I mean, I think he's doing a fine job all on his own by all the illegal stuff that he's doing and getting caught for And he's never been held accountable In all of his life for anything he's ever done grand jury of citizens in jurisdictions where he has homes They're they're just like you and me hearing evidence You They are the jury of peers who hear the evidence in a court who found him guilty of the crimes committed. Who's taking him down? He did the crime. They found the evidence. The prosecution has found the evidence in the state of New York in this in the instance I'm talking about and a jury of peers in the city where he lives. Says he's guilty. I don't think anybody's taking him down, but his own actions. Um Jeff I mean, I I think there's a lot of rich men out there that hush women up. Well, that's You know the underlying not defending that it's right. It's not about it's not about writing a check pay anyone It's not it's not about writing a check to a porn star that's not what this was about because that that's the the underlying fact that You He and the guy from the National Enquirer. Wasn't it? Did he peed on somebody? No, the guy from the National Enquirer, they were doing the catch. They were, they were catching the articles that anybody who had any crap on Trump, they were paying them off and then holding the stories and they were actually making up stories as well. I mean, the whole Ted Cruz's dad insinuated to be a part of the whole JFK conspiracy that came from that whole interaction between the National Enquirer and Trump. I mean, the evidence was, I think releasing the JFK documents would tell a lot. Well, I don't think Ted Cruz's dad had anything to do with it. No, I know. I just, you brought up JFK. I agree. I think that it's about time. I know that they did release quite a bit of them just recently. But I have a problem with people saying that it's they are trying to take him down He's doing a fine job all by himself stay out of his way Let him talk and he's gonna get himself in trouble. So he's digging his own hole If you took home classified materials how much how President's allowed to take. Well, there is a difference, though. I'm not the president who has the ultimate classification authority on those documents. He didn't declassify him before the fact. And when asked for them, he continued to hide them and didn't release him. He did give some back, but he continued to hide more. So it's, it's the guy and if you serve in the military, you know, the chain of command, you can't, you can't do that. Right. If you served in the military, you have some kind of like law degree, some kind of like for me, I run my business in the life, the way I deal with people by still the chain of command, like you can't just come in and come straight to me. It's a chain of command and no, What does this sound like, though? This sounds like a real estate mogul that learned a certain tendency over time that said, okay, what you don't know won't hurt you. So sell real estate instead of trying to be president. Well, isn't real estate just selling you something that's not really there? Well, if you don't read the fine print. Or if, I don't have to divulge certain information to you. Uh, redlining. I don't have to tell you what's, what's red line. What about, I'm not going to rent to you because you're black. Yeah. Redlining. You're talking about a guy that was in real estate for what, how many years? 40, 50 plus. Yeah, so and you put him in the most powerful seat in the world. He's going to perform like a real estate mogul. He's going to perform like someone who mentally has always dealt with responsibility in that manner. He's not going to hold himself accountable for the benefit of having the poker face number one and saying, okay, what you don't know, I don't have to tell you. That's fair. That's fair enough. That's fair enough. But if it's illegal. And you don't get caught. Is it right? Um, I'll be honest with you. I'm a, I'm a child of the most. I got, I live by my integrity and character. And obviously when the cameras are off, I'm, I'm trying to live a life before God to please him. So my personal answer is yes, that's wrong. It's definitely wrong. Wouldn't you expect that from the leaders that you want your children to see? Here we go again. I'm a very spiritual man. And God says the earth is the Lord's in the fullness thereof. But he says this world system is controlled by Satan from a spiritual perspective. No matter how we look at this at the end game is that it's being controlled by a demonic entity that has no benefit for anything righteous. Um, at the end of the day, there's nothing that's gonna be righteous when we get, when all the dust settles. It's, it's this world system. So, I'm not expecting any of these guys to be You mean Project 2020? Yeah, I'm not expecting any of these guys to be righteous or accountable. I think they have agendas, and those agendas serve certain things. And I think that we as the people are cannon fodder, and I think that whatever is the most popular thing at the time is going to be what the narrative they perpetuate. But I think that the American people are viewed as cannon fodder, and we're all expendable for an agenda Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, there is a foundational agenda that needs to be implemented. I appreciate where you're coming from and what you're saying, but I also think that we all need to Hold our, our elected officials accountable to the standards that we would only accept in our own household. Absolutely. We, we, but the corporation, see, that's where the thing is not to interrupt you, but that's where the problem is. We can't do that. We don't have the. The capital, we're not the 16 billionaires that control the media. We're not, well, they created the divide 1%. They're controlling what we, what we do, what we eat. Absolutely. What we see. Absolutely. And like you said, Reagan was a perfect example of that. He was an actor that was, that got an agenda at a certain amount at a certain point in his, in his life and they groomed him. through politics and groomed him, General Electric groomed him to be a president so that he can get an office to take certain regulations away so that the corporations can do what they want to do. That was actually the first popular public political puppet that we know today. He was one of the first that was groomed to For corporate America to put this person in a powerful seat to remove all of the regulations so that they can do what they need to do to perpetuate. Like you said, the 1%. Sorry, Jimmy, we didn't mean to cut you off. I was jumping in. I appreciate the conversation. I mean, to me, it's, I want to try and understand somebody who supports the former guy and coming from a position of religion. I'm not religious. I mean, I grew up in an Episcopal church, but I don't really care for it. I don't really need it in my world. I know what's right and what's wrong, but I still know what's right and what's wrong. And I want to vote for somebody who. Holds those same ideals. And we'll, I know what they're there's transparency there with what they're doing. Absolutely. I know to a certain level, we're not going to get all of that. I know people who've done business with Trump, that he's stiff. He's not paid small contractors. He's not paid lots of people. And even when he does, he'll negotiate it down to 80%. He'll pay 20 percent on a bill and say, sue me when it's just a little guy who doesn't have the resources that he has. It's flexing your big muscle when to your benefit and not to the benefit or for the good of others. And that's the selfishness of capitalism, but I'm in business and I want to do a fair deal. I want to make sure that people who I do business with get a fair shake. I get the profits that I need to continue to operate and keep my doors open and we all walk away with Feeling better about what we've done and you're, you're 100 percent correct. I think on the local level, small businesses, we share in that desire for, you know, our moral compass is to treat each other fairly and correctly. I think the higher you go up in business, the business ladder, good businesses. Taking something from that guy. Good menace is I took advantage of him in this deal. And I think that's what good business is to hire you go on the corporate ladder. And I think that he just, obviously it's empowered by his narcissism for the most part. I mean, that's a narcissistic guy. Like, look. You decided to play this chess game with me and I know how to play chess better than you. And it's not my fault that you don't know the moves that I know. And that's the way those guys, these really 1%, that's how they see business. They see business on that level. I know some, I know moves on the chess board that you don't. And it's not my fault that you don't know how to play this game as good as I do. And it's unfortunate, but it's really unfortunate, but that, that is the way they look at business. That's good business to them. Us, we care. Well, you can, you can also look at other guys. You can also look at other folks in that 1 percent who aren't like that. Mark Cuban. I mean, he, he's, he's, he, he's got a certain level of benevolence in what he's doing. And he's got to a level of real money. Not fake money that he's doing the better for society. I mean his his cost plus drugs He's shining a light on the whole pharmaceutical industry, airing out their paper in a public spotlight. And, I mean, if you're not using cost plus drugs, go look it up, and if you need to have any medications, you're going to get them a lot cheaper. I don't have any stock. Tom Hanks I just wanted to put it out there that neither of the candidates are Christians. How do you feel about that, Jawad? Jawad Ibrahim Again, it proves my point from a spiritual perspective. This world system is controlled. He, Satan took Jesus on the mountain and said, all of these kingdoms have been given to me. If you bow down, I'll give you the kingdoms of the world. He clearly told Jesus that he is in control. This, these are my kingdoms. They have been given to me. I have control and ownership of these kingdoms. No, that's deep. And we're being very spiritual at this point, but never be fooled. At the end of the day, this is a by product of a spiritual world that you can only see by faith. And everything that you see here in the natural is manifested from that spirit realm. It's controlled on a very high level by a lot of spiritual warfare. I respect your point. Place with your religion and everything. How do you feel about Trump selling Bibles and not being able to even, not even knowing one passage in the Bible? Again, I mean, it propaganda at its finest. I'll sell you the elixir and tell you that it's going to make you better. It's just propaganda, smoke and mirrors. You know what my thought was? I got campaign flyers all the time from Kennedy. Hey, can you give me money? Can you give me money? Can you give me money again? What if he just sold me something that took the profits and use it towards his election? Maybe that's what the Bibles are. That's just that's awful. That's awful, sir. I was just a thought, you know, what's that bookstore? So Bible Bibles a lot of people sell Bible We go to we go to the third world country and we hand out the Bibles But they're technically if you want to go and purchase a Bible from Walmart or like a Bible store. They actually say They're not branded And as a Donald J. Trump Bible with the constitution, pretty soon they're going to be branded Disney. Oh, man. Donald Trump is such a narcissist. This is incredible. I mean, as far as, uh, the campaign money thing, it seems a little bit more legit getting money that way. I don't, I'm not saying that the product was the right thing, but he actually puts his name on the Bible. Oh, absolutely. It's it's and it's got the constitution in it in the bill of rights. What's number one, right? But you know what? The thing is you can't even pray, but you can't even pray in school in Florida, right? Like let's put Bibles in the classroom to really teach if that's what you're going to do. No, no, no. Let's don't do that. That's, that's good for Sundays. And I'm just saying, if the president can sell a Bible with his name on it, right? Listen, I'm going to be honest with you. Mr. Jamie, I want, I want one of those Bibles, and I want him to sign it. This right here is where we can say, all right, is this misinformation or disinformation? Did he sell a Bible? No. He endorsed a company that sells Bibles. And he did it on his platform. He's promoting and selling the Bibles. Because he's trying to get votes. You can buy them right through the GOP. You can buy them right through the GOP website. It's the God Bless the USA Bible. Hey, see if you're trying to attract Jesus by getting votes, that's a lot lesser than Sam Rakes. I wanted to say this real quick too. Attracting people to get your vote. So you talk, did he use that misinformation or misguided information? He really peed on somebody? No, I was talking about actually that was somebody peed on him Kelly went to jail for somebody but he can't like really So, that's all no, we'll keep it you can delete that part out of the podcast part of the banter Don't be keeping it so they can so they can use that It's back in the top of their passing disinformation. Hold on. I just want to, are we, are we down the rabbit hole right now? Are we off the, the still need to talk about, and we kind of went off course as far as how can we come together to, because at the end of the day, what we really, really want is to be happy and to be loved, I would say. Yeah. And, and I think that these topics do elicit a strong emotional response from those involved in it. And being respectful and keeping everything in a level tone and just talking it out amongst each other is very fruitful. I've gathered more insight from opposing views from what I have in this conversation that we've had than I've seen on any social media because, yes, they do use a, an algorithm to keep you in your echo chamber a lot of times. My wife says I always lean kind of towards whatever. I'll face it. I'll be honest. I'm not a Kamala Harris fan at all. That's okay, baby. I still love you. I honestly am not that big of a Trump fan either. There's something about something that they don't like. And I kind of, I don't agree. I, I've always had a problem with the way he talked to people. I would tell Travis all the time, man, like the guy learns from people skills. But like I said, not every leader is a, Got all of those qualities. That's very rare to find a leader, uh, that has all of the qualities that you need and that it's the diversity of a team that brings them together, that makes them stronger, it's not having one sided view or the other, it's meeting in the middle, collectively coming up with a solution that everybody can agree on. Maybe, uh, this time you don't get it fully your way. And sometimes somebody sees it fully your way. And I would hope that that would happen to some course, but I believe, I strongly believe that all of this is just BS because the corporations are controlling what these people say and do and controlling either side. There are companies that are heavily weighed towards one or the other, and I would say Microsoft, but see here's the whole thing is like, why are these people paying them money? Aren't they asking me for 25 or more in my email every day? Aren't they selling Bibles to make money and make it up? Like, why, why are we spending so much money on an election? We're spending millions and millions of dollars just to get someone elected or not elected. And all of those millions of dollars you spend, if they don't get elected, then what? I think it's a tax rate. Where does that money actually go? It goes to the media companies that are, that are controlling. It's just a big hamster wheel. It goes on all the ads, big spies kind of stuff. And then the leftover money that divvied out to political action. Committees that then is their own personal use money to keep their face in the public. Or if it goes back to, let's say the GOP, well, the GOP is now run by Trump. The GOP is never going to be the same as it ever, as it used to be. The Dick Cheney's, the Bush's, the it's Trump's. It's it is 100 percent of trump. Is that is that a bad thing though? Um, I think it is. I truly do think that it is. I don't think that it I don't think There's any independence. I don't think that there's any opposing views that can be Um that can be heard within the gop any longer Before Trump really ascended, you had the likes of Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz and everybody else, Marco Rubio and everybody else saying, this guy is a moron, he's an idiot, he doesn't stand for anything, and now they all are saying he's the greatest thing since sliced bread and peanut butter. I'll be honest with you. I think he's far from a moron. I think that the job skillset. That we're requiring him to operate. He's he's learning on the job I think that he's I think that he's a smart guy and he's just learning on the job and I think one of the most important things is For him to gather the right team around him to give him the correct information to make the best decision That involves both left and right party. He's only hiring the best people to put in his administration and yet He lost more In his first 36 months. Then his five predecessors in their entire terms, he can't keep people around him. He can't, they either quit or they, he fired them there. I don't know how, who's he, who's he going to get now, except absolute loyalists who are only beholden to him. And not to us, the constituents. That's what scares me the most is that he has run through all of the most qualified people to be in an administration from the GOP. And the table's bare now. There's nothing left on the table for him, except for absolute loyalists. If Trump becomes president, I say we get Mr. Mackey in the white house and cook white house chef. He'd be eating good. I know that my husband is. I mean, he's cooking for President Bush, but I'm going to tell you, look here, it'd be a whole bunch of praying over some food because, look here, certain folks ain't going to deal with you talking to them crazy. And so, you know, for me, It's important to have a good team around you, not just people that's going to agree with you. You know, like I, we think that we do the best of everything, but if you came in and you said, Hey, Brandy, you know, my fish sandwich is a little salty today. And I said, so what pray over it. You know, hey, it wasn't salty to the, if I didn't take that into consideration, would you still want to come and support me and shop with me? Then bring the, bring the, yeah, no. Well, you know what, look here, you know, it's for me and it's about to be a sad day because, but, oh, but hold on, hold on. If he never gave you another impression of something else and he was completely transparent about who he is, I'm, this is me. Hey, hate me or love me. And the country still voted him in the office. You can't blame him. What? Blame who? Trump. Yeah, I can't blame him. No, I'm not going to blame him. But again, you know what? That's who he is. He's who he is. He's like, I am who I am. But that's why it's so important to be out there advocating for Trump. The not him to be out in office. So for keeping in mind, he didn't put himself in office. I understand that. He didn't. So the actual people of America and the college of what is it? Which we gave him the first term, put him in office. We gave him the first term for free, right? Right. He got in there. It was so he had the on the job training in. This time around, even while you still qualifying for the job, you ain't learned nothing. You still talking crazy to people and, and just making just awful, like moral decisions. All right. So yeah, no, on the job training is not for somebody that's not going to be president. What are we going to say, James? I was going to say he was elected president, but he didn't win the popular vote. He's never won the popular vote. Um, it was the electoral college. I mean, which is, it's, it's, uh, it levels the playing field and it makes each state have a little, have just as much say, whether you agree with it or not, that's their system, that's the way it works, but he didn't win the popular vote. Don't pretend like he did. He's never won a majority of the population's vote and likely won't again. I'm, I'm just here to say by all indications with all of the. Affections from I agree with you folks in the GOP, 100 percent his personality probably won't ever encourage a popular vote, but I think overall, you know, the general public put him in office. I don't dispute that he won that first election. I mean, I'm glad that Hillary conceded the contest. He still hasn't conceded. He still hasn't conceded. Well, she would, she didn't get nobody killed. And I'm telling people don't hang the vice president. She is. So, so to me, it could be a story, but the fact is ain't nobody died when she didn't win period, somebody died because he didn't win. So somebody died because he didn't win. Who? The Capitol, the people died, they start on January 6th. Ashley Babbitt and the six different cops and how many other folks. I mean, there's, there was a bunch of people that died as a result of January 6th. That's a stain on our history. I agree. That is a, that was a very terrible thing. Yes. And guess what? When you have the power to stop it and you don't stop it, then that's a problem. He could have sent the National Guard out there. He could have sent all kinds of people and said, hey, enough is enough. Fortunately, on that one, he could not. The Capitol, they're the ones that actually have to He offered them plenty of advance notice saying, hey, The National Guard is ready for you. They said, no, we don't need them. Meaning that Nancy Pelosi and the sergeant at arms, uh, they were the ones in control of that security. Well, I, I say it how I see it. And to me, if you're the president and you supposed to be the head person in charge, then do something about it. And he didn't. It's kind of like he controls the gas. That's not, that's not the way the chain of command works. The chain of command is. The guy at the top can do whatever he needs to do. Okay, exactly. So don't be, don't be a man about it when it's time to be a man and be a, you know what he liked to grab when it ain't. Hello? Quote me on that. But here I got something cute. I want to say, can I say this real quick, Jeff? Look, a vote is not a Valentine. You aren't professing your love for a candidate. It's a chess move for the world you want to live in. So I thought that was kind of what you were talking about chess. So, I mean, you know, like we still love each other. You ain't got to send me no like conversation heart pieces. You got to say, you know, just it's a chess move. That's what it is. So if you're not voting for that person, you need to make the decision to vote for the best one, whoever that's going to be, you know, and that's the, to me, that's important to get people out to vote, you know, not saying that they vote don't matter. Every vote counts and that just show with some of the last elections with just being a hundred votes short. And that's, to me, that's my mission right now, to let people know, I don't care what you doing, your vote. Matters your vote counts. Get out there and don't steal my thunder. But no, I'm just kidding We do we do have to close up here. And yes, miss Mackey is 100 percent right? You need to get out there vote that starts with your local government too, by the way, so don't just ignore local government Politics, those are probably a little bit more directly involve your life than the federal politics, even though a lot of people think that it is doomsday, left or right. But what about us, the sand in the center? I don't know. That, I guess that determines the tiebreaker, right? The sun will rise another day. Regardless of who is voted in the office. We get back to the basics. We the people, there are more power in numbers than it is in popularity and the 1 percent or whatever they can put together. If we as a people collectively come together and stand for something, we won't fall for anything. We, the people, I think that more than ever, we need to live by the golden rule now, treat others, no matter who wins, I don't have a crystal ball. We don't know who's gonna win. We have strong inclinations on one side or the other, regardless of who it is. We still need to be able to have these conversations. Types of conversations civilly, without any hateful rhetoric or just demeaning of anybody. We can still have these conversations, we can come together, we can celebrate, Hey, this person won, they're the, the figurehead, the leader for the next four years. We don't like them? Okay, we got four years, we can get them out. That's how America runs. I think just getting term, term limits would help out a lot too. And I think we can all agree on that. Term limits, yes. How do we get term limits? Right now, nobody in Congress is gonna vote on term limits for themselves to kick themselves out of a job. I think the only way that we would ever see that is if there was a constitutional crisis and we had a convention of the states. And that is not an easy task to get to get anything like that, because when you have that, you need two thirds of all the states to agree before it becomes a new law or an amendment to the Constitution. Jamie, you have something to close with? I was, I'm right there with you. If you want to do another podcast about a convention of states, an article five convention of states, I'm totally down for that. That would, that would probably be good. A 12 year term limit would be the best. Best solution for our, and eliminating Citizens United would go leaps and bounds to helping make the playing field a lot more level and a lot more representative of all of us. So, hey everybody, I want to thank everybody that was part of this social experiment. I think we succeeded with Not hating each other everybody still has their hair and clothes aren't ripped and people aren't crying or hyperventilating most of us anyway This conversation though on the outside not having any type of control or say might bring you to that point if that's the case I think you should talk to someone that has the opposite view as you And work it out. Like we obviously are gonna run way outta time and we can talk about this till the, till the cows come home. Is that true? The cows come home all night long. . No, I'm not. I'm good. We put me in door four at night. But joy come in in the morning. Y'all can cry tonight. I know when cows are laying down, it's about to rain, but cows till the cows get home. I'm not sure about that. What? You didn't know that? But if it's raining, you'll see him sitting down. Well, it's just in fact, they like to sit in the rain. So do I. Yeah. Imagine that. But anyway, hey, uh, Like Miss Mackey said, get out there and vote. Don't just mail in your ballot. Let's get out there and vote. I hope that didn't conflict or make anybody upset by me saying that you should definitely try to go out there and do it yourself in person. You know, it got in that box being counted. I think that's the most important thing. God bless America. Thanks for listening. Hey, thank you, Jamie. I appreciate your insight. I hadn't heard those points before. Same with you, Ms. Mackie. Very insightful and eye opening. I was able, I think I took something away from this. Thank you. Mr. Mills, thank you for opening up the studio, because this is another way to get to Like in the community to get answers and questions and different perspectives out. So thank you for what you do too, by providing a different space for, you know, people to listen. So I appreciate the opportunity to talk with all of you guys. I've been listening. I've been, uh, I think I've, uh, Jeff asked me once or twice to do a little answer or a question or something like that in a couple of previous of your podcasts. And I appreciate the opportunity. I think you guys are doing a good thing. Well, I, and, and I would say overall, thank you, Jeff, for your vision, for your passion, for your desire to help people that don't have a voice to get the truth, To people so that they can make their own decision. You and Travis are incredible. And, and I think that the sky's the limit for us and for what you got going on. And, and the collective perspective is incredible. It's really, really, really incredible and impactful and so needed in this world we live in today. Thank you, man. Peace out, everybody.

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